Our President & CEO, Richard Rendina, was honored by the South Florida Business Journal yesterday for being an Ultimate CEO in the county of Palm Beach. The reception was held at The Breakers in Palm Beach that included a cocktail hour with hor d’oeuvres and a sit-down meal while the awards were presented to the honorees.
Congratulations to all of the honorees:
- Mark Bellissimo, Equestrian Sport Productions, LLC
- Dan Cane, Modernizing Medicine
- Stephen J. Klingel, NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Jorge Pesquera, Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Dr. Mary Jane Saunders, Florida Atlantic University
- Jan Savarick, Boca Raton Regional Hospital
- Chris Pyle, Champion Solutions Group
- Larry Feldman, Subway of South Florida
- Lynne Wines, First Southern Bank